Communities for Future (ECOLISE), with the support of its partners -including Transition Network– and with funding from the European Union, is launching the #JoinTheBigTable campaign for the European Day of Sustainable Communities 2023.

In this campaign, hundreds of communities and local initiatives working for sustainability across Europe will join forces on European Day of Sustainable Communities to celebrate the work they are doing and show political leaders that community initiatives are more alive than ever. To do so, all organisations promoting transformation addressing the ecological and climate crisis are invited to organise a tasty meal for their community to join the big digital table by sharing images of the community meals they organise with the hashtag #JoinTheBigTable. Afterwards, a community collage will be made with all the images collected, which will be shared on 23 September, European Day of Sustainable Communities.

👉 Find all the information you need to join this big table at the following link

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